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Friday, October 19, 2018

Rawgit Reach The End, Migrate to Staticaly Now !

Rawgit CDN alternative. Rawgit Will Immediately Close, Migrate to Staticaly Now. How to use Staticaly CDN

How to Migrate Rawgit to Staticaly CDN

RawGit Will Be Closed Soon, Immediately Migrate to Other Services - This shocking news I initially received from Frans Allen, CEO Staticaly through DM Twitter reported that RawGit would be shot down. And it turns out it's true, Rawgit admin has written a notification that RawGit service will be closed soon.

RawGit is now in the sunset phase and will be closed soon after five years of providing free services as a source of CDN files from GitHub.

The GitHub repository that presents content through RawGit in the past month will continue to be served until at least October 2019. If you are currently using RawGit, please stop using it as soon as possible and migrate to other services.

Like the tit for tat, we recently know Staticaly as an alternative to RawGit. For that we can easily migrate from Rawgit to Staticaly.

To migrate from Rawgit to Staticaly in your Blogger template, you can use this tool provided by Staticaly.

Or for easier, please follow my method.
  • Open edit HTML in Blogger Dashboard, click in the editor box then Ctr + Shift + R then enter into the box then Enter
  • After that, please enter in the next box then Enter.
  • Finished.
Now all RawGit URLs have switched to Staticaly. Easy, right?

No need to rush, because Rawgit are given 1 year until the end of October 2019 by RawGit to migrate to other services.

For users who use Alinux AMP Blogger Template, please migrate all Rawgit CDN script to Staticaly CDN to prevent error issues.

Source: Kompi Ajaib | Visit Staticaly now