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Thursday, April 18, 2019

AMP News: Instant-Loading AMP Pages uses Domain itself

In AMP Conf in Tokyo, Instant-Loading AMP Pages uses Domain itself. This means you can now get instant loading for AMP on your own domain

In AMP Conf in Tokyo, Instant-Loading AMP Pages uses Domain itself. This means you can now get instant loading for AMP on your own domain!

In AMP Conf in Tokyo, Loading AMP Pages via the Browser now uses Domain itself. 

The event was attended by many experts is arguably also the same time that the second celebration of  AMP HTML. 

AMP Conf in Tokyo at least announced several important points that could be discussed. Among other things, AMP Project officially announced a new amp-script component, which allows AMP pages to call custom JavaScript. 

In addition, AMP Project also announced other interesting things. Now, internet browsers like Google Chrome will no longer use the mirror domain when the browser loads the instant AMP url. 

Instead, now AMP page uses its own domain when loaded in a mobile browser, especially if the user finds the AMP page URL on Google Search. 

This is an answer to some of the complaints and suggestions submitted by AMP HTML activists in several forums and Github.

In addition, Google Analytics will not label users using referral sites when a user visits the AMP page through Google Search. Of course, this will be very interesting and profitable.
